Statement on March 4 Court Decision

Today, the court found that Brookland Manor residents waited too long to appeal. We didn't appeal the first stage because MidCity had promised everyone a right to return at that time. In the second stage, it became clear that that was a lie. The court = the lie worked.

Today's ruling stated that the Zoning Commission (who ruled in favor of a project that destroys affordable family housing) would make sure MidCity (who has abused residents for years) "minimized displacement."

This is the power structure at work. People's lives are on the line.

Statement from Ms. Elliott: "The court's decision shows just how disposable poor Black and Brown families are under current policy. This fight is not over."

Ask yourself: WHY would retired people who should be resting choose to struggle for years against this project?

Fight with us. More to come soon.


Virtual Protest Against Ward 5 CM Kenyan McDuffie


Tenants Demand CM McDuffie Put Call for Equity to Work for Affordable Housing in Ward 5